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Rise Glossary

What is an Agent of Record?

An agent of record is a person or entity that is authorized to act on behalf of another person or entity in a legal or business capacity. The term is often used in the context of insurance, where an agent of record is a person or company that is authorized to act on behalf of an insured party in matters related to their insurance coverage.

In the insurance industry, an agent of record is responsible for managing the insured party's insurance coverage, including obtaining quotes, issuing policies, and handling claims. The agent of record is typically the main point of contact between the insured party and the insurance company and is responsible for ensuring that the insured party's insurance needs are met.

In other contexts, an agent of record may be a person or company that is authorized to act on behalf of another party in matters related to contracts, agreements, or other legal or business matters. The agent of record is typically responsible for representing the interests of the party they are representing and ensuring that their instructions are carried out.

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